Saturday, March 26, 2011

Soccer photos have been rescheduled for the day. Drizzle and a wind chill of 37 was no fun this morning.
My Son's soccer team were champs out there running around and scoring goals.
Testing mobile blogging. I think technology is terrific.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Daffodil in Tall Grass

While waiting for green to show in the tall bluestem grass a daffodil braved the cold weather this morning. I love the signs of Spring! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring is here

Spring is the season of emerging from our heavy coats and three feet of snow. We are so happy for the green outdoors; however, the wind and chiggers we could do without. It is also the beginning of 'play ball and goal'. Yes, leagues and teams are gathering and we have several soccer teams scheduled. It looks like the craziness is beginning. Call to schedule your team the earlier the better.